Language and Communication

Arabic is the official language. Most people, though, also understand English. It is easy to get by with English, but it is recommended to learn a few Arabic words. It acts as an ice-breaker & does elicit a smile from most Egyptians. This is not to say that Egyptians are unfriendly otherwise…..they are extremely friendly. Chat with everybody, from drivers, to hotel staff, to guides…….it gives you a lot of insight into Egyptian life & lifestyle. Arabic is also useful in small restaurants & while travelling off the tourist path, for buying essentials. If nothing works, try sign language or sketching on a piece of paper…!

Learning to recognize Arabic numbers is another life saver. All hotels prepare bills in English. Almost all restaurants too, have English menus. But, again, off the beaten path, it’s in Arabic. Knowing the numbers will help you to read prices. Also, while shopping in supermarkets, buying essentials or buying munchies, it helps tremendously. Prices are marked up considerably for tourists & if you can read the Arabic price on the packing, it helps you to know how much they are over-charging you.