
ou can carry very little cash. It is sufficient to carry some Dollars/ Euros / Pounds to use at the airports during your flight to Egypt. Keep some more of these currencies as an emergency, to use when ATMs are not working. Also, try & get as much Egyptian Pounds (LE) as you can before you leave for Egypt. This can help you tide over the first couple of days. Many hotels charge for the room in Dollars or Euros. For this, you could carry the exact amounts in those currencies, which can be used to pay the hotel.

Inform you bank that you are travelling to Egypt & will be using your debit & credit cards. Some people may face problems while in Egypt, as their banks view this sudden use of cards in a foreign country as possible fraud, & block further card usage. This can lead you to being stuck without money, till the matter is resolved. Also, informing your bank will make them alert to any misuse of your card back home. When you make a withdrawal at an ATM, make large withdrawals rather than many small withdrawals. Most banks levy a standard processing charge for overseas withdrawal, irrespective of the amount withdrawn. This can add up to quite a bit.

It is advised to keep track of your bank balance while travelling, as sometimes, there are transaction errors. Carry at least 2 cards belonging to different banks. It will help you if you ace any problems with 1 bank.

You can use Visa, Master & Maestro cards without any problems. A 4 digit ATM pin works in Egypt as well. Please check your pin usability before you leave. Debit cards linked to savings accounts worked well. Cards linked to current accounts may not work well, as most ATMs do not give you the option to choose ‘current account’ as the account type.

Collect as much small change as possible, to give away as tips. Use the larger notes at restaurants & shops and then, save the change. Spend or convert all Egyptian pounds before you leave Egypt……Forex bureaus back home may not buy back LEs. Dollars / Euros work well at airports on the way back home, too.