
Many toilets are of the squat type. Western WCs too are increasingly common, especially in larger towns & in cities. Do not expect very clean toilets. Keep lots of toilet paper handy, maybe even disinfectant wipes, for wiping toilet seats. If you know the trick to using a squat toilet, it is more hygienic, as you will not be sharing a seat with thousands of others. Carry some liquid / paper soap too, as it is non-existent in these toilets.

In many toilets, it is expected that you pay a small charge – 50 piastres to 1 LE should suffice. Some toilet attendants dole out a small wad of toilet paper when you go in….but, you can never be sure. All toilets will have water, either a tap or a squirter, for washing.

While travelling or going from site to site, make use of all toilet breaks. In remote locations, it may be a while before you come across the next toilet.

A small request – a lot of toilets are choked, not because of lack of flushing, but, because tourists try to flush toilet paper, as they are probably used to, elsewhere. It does not work here……Egyptian plumbing lines are not designed to take the load of enormous quantities of toilet paper being flushed down. All toilets have a waste bin…..please dispose the paper in it. There are signs to this effect put up in a lot of places, but, many people pay no heed to it. Please do your bit to keep the toilets clean & working, for other people.